De beste manieren om je externe workforce te managen in vijf quotes, twee lijstjes en een conclusie
Zet een 15-tal HR – en Inkoop Managers en enkele aanbieders van oplossingen voor Talent Management bij elkaar en je krijgt een boeiende namiddag vol met dialoog, kennisdelen en bijleren. Met dank aan het Inkoopteam bij bpost voor het warme onthaal en aan Connecting-Expertise voor de sponsoring. Bij deze een beknopt verslag in het Engels van deze tweede NextConomy Meetup sessie in samenwerking met ClubVMSA.
Among the participants more than half who are responsible for the (contingent) workforce and/or procurement in their organisation (with names as AkzoNobel, imec, Bridgestone, UCB and others). Alongside them a list of solution providers (VMS, MSP, FMS, Staffing…) and event sponsor Connecting-Expertise. Together they provided many interesting insights which we present in the form of five quotes, two lists, and a conclusion.
- “Instead of immediately outsourcing to a Managed Service Provider, start managing external talent internally with support of a Master Vendor and build up maturity in talent management before taking a next step.”
- “Companies who do not have their workforce planning and processes set up correctly are doomed.”
- “You need to co-create the process of contracting external talent with Procurement, HR and the business. That way, you create confidence in the process and get a better buy-in.”
- “You can always ask the business if you can challenge their proposed candidates with your own suggestion.”
- “This discussion ‘insource vrs outsource’ has to be lifted to a higher level. Why do we need talent? What is the long term strategy? What is the cost when we don’t have the right talent at our disposal? These are questions to be answered at the executive level, with involvement of other departments.”
Outsourcing the management of your Contingent Workforce to an external Managed Service Provider? Arguments pro and con.
- A Managed Service Provider has a better knowledge of the market. They are the experts!
- Outsourcing makes the process more efficient, and thus cheaper.
- By outsourcing you guarantee business continuity and compliance: no workarounds.
- An MSP is more flexible when the volume changes or when subject matter expertise is needed.
- We understand best what the business needs are and are capable of negotiating the best prices. We are the experts!
- This is a business critical process that needs to be kept in house.
- By keeping it in house, the business will have more confidence in the process. There also is a better cultural fit.
- We can adapt the process quicker if business needs change.
Conclusion? Set out on the journey, but keep the end in mind
Before taking concrete steps, some strategic issues need to be addressed.
- How does the mission of bpost translate in a strategic vision and approach on the workforce and where does Contingent Labor fit in?
- Which roles and responsibilities in the management of the Contingent Workforce does the organisation wish to keep in house, and which will be outsourced?
- What is the role of HR when it comes to external talent and how are the complementary roles of HR and Procurement best defined throughout the hiring process?