300 business tips voor freelancers
300 freelance business tips zijn te vinden in de onlangs verschenen tweede editie van het Freelance Business Book. Volgens de auteurs is dit het resultaat van een crowdsourced verzameling van gedachten en gebaseerd op presentaties uit de Freelance Business Month in oktober 2022. We laten u de 300 tips zelf ontdekken, maar we hebben er alvast één per hoofdstuk geselecteerd…
Future of freelance
« When independent workers begin to think of themselves as businesses rather than just individuals with skills, they will be able to accomplish much more. » Freelance Business
Starting a freelance business
“Maintain a professional relationship with clients, regularly check-in and update on progress.” David Küpper, Founder expertpowerhouse
« You already have a brand, even if you’re not aware of it or actively shaping it. » Amanda Guerassio, Brand Strategist
We are social animals, and we want to be connected with others, we want to be part of a community—it is natural. Vanessa Henry Epstein, Business and legal communication coach
Pricing, sales and Finances
« Personal finances might seem like a complex topic, but there are 3 main tools that make it easy to follow: common sense, budget planner and money tracker. » Francesco Cuffaro, Financial advisor
Working with platform
« Don’t ignore the platform rules! Understand how the platform works and follow its guidelines for success. » Maryna Kotenko, BDM & Social media manager
Growing a freelance business
« Outsource tasks you don’t enjoy to someone who loves doing them and can do them in half the time. » Ray Slater Berry, Founder @ DSLX
« There are 3 banks: money, time and value. You can trade one for another, but a balance is what will make you happier. » Alistair Webster, Marketing and Design Consultant
« We really fail when we don’t try. » Barbara Raverberi, Freelance journalist
Tips for creatives & writers
« Great content has key takeaways; it is honest, credible and authentic; it has an original style, personality; it uncovers new relations and brings unexpected value. » Gergő Benedek, Content writer
Freelance Ecosystem
Companies are facing a risk of getting accused of misclassification of their employees, if freelancers they hire do not meet the following criteria:
- Freelancers own their own clearly identifiable business, which is separate than the work they are carrying for the company.
- Freelancers have control over what is done, how, when and where it is done and whether it is themselves personally who do the work or another individual
- Freelancers control the hours of work in fulfilling the outcome obligations of the job.
- Freelancers are free to hire other individuals to carry out their work.
- Freelancers can provide the same service to more than one person or business at the same time.
- Freelancers are exposed to personal financial risk in carrying out the work, such as having to bear the cost of making good on any substandard work or footing the bill for the time overruns.
- Freelancers have the opportunity to vary the amount of financial profit they make from the work, by using their own control of how they carry out the work.
Hannah Young, Partner & Corporate Solution Manager at CXC EMEA
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