"Exploring the future of work & the freelance economy"

Win een gratis ticket voor de CWS Summit Europe in Londen

NextConomy partner CXC biedt vijf toegangskaarten voor de CWS Summit in London aan. Ben je Inkoop manager of HR directie? Vul dan de (eenvoudige) schiftingsvragen in en maak kans om erbij te zijn in London op 9 en 10 mei e.k.

Win a free guest pass for CWS Summit Europe in London on the 9th & 10th of May. Connect with the CXC team at booth number 11, network with key industry experts, and attend interesting sessions.

To the quiz

Practical details

Travel, accommodation, and any other costs are not included. This competition is open to anyone working in procurement, HR, and to CW program managers. Suppliers (staffing firms, VMS/MSP, consultants, payrolling firms, etc.) are not eligible to participate in this contest.

The first 5 contestants who correctly answer all three questions (and fulfill all the conditions mentioned above) will be awarded their free guest pass for the CWS Summit Europe. We will reach out to lucky winners by Wednesday, the 27th of April.

Nu aanmelden kan via deze link.

Lees meer over CXC op de website.

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