Des statistiques fiables sur le travail online sont enfin disponibles
L’Online Labour Index (OLI) est le premier indicateur économique à fournir des statistiques sur l’online Gig Economy comparables à celles existant pour le travail classique. L’index est mesuré sur l’offre et la demande de travail freelance online pour différents pays et différentes professions. Les données sont issues des plateformes en ligne opérant en temps réel.
La collecte de données a débuté en mai 2016, de sorte que des statistiques basées sur plus de deux années sont disponibles. Les missions répertoriées dès le premier jour de mai 2016 ont reçu l’indice 100, et les écarts observés sont des pourcentages par rapport à l’indice de départ. Au cours des deux dernières années, il y a eu des pics dans la demande allant jusqu’à + 40 %.
L’Online Labour Index est disponible gratuitement sur
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The Online Labour Index is produced by Otto Kässi and Vili Lehdonvirta as part of the iLabour project at the Oxford Internet Institute. The visualization is developed in collaboration with Martin Hadley from the University of Oxford Interactive Data Network. The data set and visualization are made available on a CC-BY license. You are free to use them in other publications as long as you credit the authors.
Using the Online Labour Index
The visualization used let you explore the OLI. It shows how the utilization of online labour varies over time and across countries and occupations. The index is normalized so that 100 index points on the y-axis represents the daily average number of new projects in May 2016. For instance, you can see that by September 2016, the utilization of online labour had increased by around nine index points (ie. 9%) from May.
Read more about the insights that can be derived from the OLI here and here.
How the Online Labour Index is constructed
The OLI is constructed by tracking all the projects/tasks posted on the five largest English-language online labour platforms, representing at least 70% of the market by traffic. The projects are then classified by occupation and employer country. The results are published as an automatically updated open data set here. Read more about the methodology here.
Online Labour Index worker supplement
Since July 2017, we also track where in the world online gig work gets done, by observing workers active on four major online labour platforms. The visualization allows you to explore how the supply of different types of work is spread across the globe.
Read more about what insights can be derived from the worker data here.
Read about the methodology of the worker supplement here. View the visualization in a separate window here.
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