Start als freelance ingenieur

Flexibele werktijden, eigen baas zijn, een aantrekkelijk salaris en afwisselende taken: veel ingenieurs beschouwen het statuut van freelancer als een aantrekkelijk alternatief voor de traditionele vaste baan. Werken als freelance ingenieur kan een geweldige kans zijn, vooral voor degenen die een passie hebben voor technologie, graag problemen oplossen en niet bang zijn om zelfstandig te werken.

Maar wat zijn de vaardigheden die nodig zijn om als freelance ingenieur te werken? En hoe krijg je snel en gemakkelijk toegang tot vacatures? In dit artikel leggen we het je uit.

What skills do you need to work as a freelance engineer?

As a freelancer, you will be hired as a specialist, thus a certain experience is required. Therefore, it is advisable to start freelancing only when you already have a few years of professional experience. In addition, you must not only be good at your job, but also have social skills. This means that you can negotiate, communicate and work well both independently and as part of a team. You should also be flexible so that you can easily adapt to the work and culture at different clients.

How do you get assignments as a freelance engineer?

The fear of not getting assignments and not securing an income discourages many people from freelancing. However, as an experienced engineer in your field, you shouldn’t worry too much.

We have put together a few helpful tips for you on how to get jobs quickly and easily:

  1. Be informed about projects

Through Google Alert you can be automatically notified about starting projects in your area and offer your service. This will also keep you up to date.

  1. Digital Presence

Advertise yourself on the platforms through which you are most often found. Your digital presence is of utmost importance and should always be kept up to date.

  1. Freelance job portals

Within a few minutes, you can create a profile for yourself and thus score points with competencies and let yourself be found. You can also submit offers for interesting jobs and contact potential clients.

  1. Networking

It’s the most used way to gain clients and thus orders. By participating in events, referral marketing to acquaintances and friends, or attending courses and seminars, you can quickly and easily build a network.

There is no one right way to become a successful freelancer. There are many facets to customer acquisition and it’s worth trying them all. Depending on the engineering industry, some measures are more effective and others less useful.

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SThree is a global staffing organisation providing specialist services in the STEM industries (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Our five specialist brands operating in Belgium, Computer Futures, Progressive, Huxley, Real Staffing and JP Gray, place professionals across IT, Engineering, Oil & Gas, Banking, Pharma and Supply Chain. Bekijk alle berichten van SThree